To an amateur eye, it may seem like a vitroic Northern Lights, but the light phenomenon Steve is not as easy to predict and occurs less frequently.

Fredrik Larsson, a professional photographer, is used to capturing the northern lights with the camera. But he has only caught the phenomenon of Steve once before. Now it appeared above Umeå.

- It's not always this cousin Steve shows up at the family reunion if you say so.

Many believe they have caught the phenomenon

Actually, the Northern Lights and Steve arise for completely different reasons. But even though the Northern Lights are more common, Steve is not uncommon. It appears much higher in the sky and is far outside the northern oval oval and is therefore easier to observe even south, explains Fredrik.

And yes, it is pronounced as the American first name.

- Many people have asked me if it's Steve they got in the picture, but usually it's usually northern lights. There can also be light streaks in it. Steve usually shows up on the side of the northern light, not in the middle of it, says Fredrik Larsson.