The multi-hallen Thoren Arena was ready in 2021. The Thorengruppen financed the construction.

Umeå municipality then signed a 25-year lease.

After that, the municipality would have the opportunity to buy the entire facility outright for SEK 62.5 million.

But the Thorengruppen now instead wants to sell the arena to the municipality for SEK 260 million.

- That is the market price today, says Raja Thoren.

Lack of health

According to Raja Thorén, the sale is a loss business as the construction costs were over SEK 300 million.

He highlights that his health is one of the reasons for the sale.

- I'm quite ill.

And we had challenges last year and we are working hard.

We have a new management team.

And that they should manage a large facility doesn't feel quite right, he says.

Thoren Arena is running at a loss

The rent has skyrocketed for Umeå municipality as it is controlled by inflation.

The municipality has therefore highlighted that the deal would be a financial saving.

At the same time, Thoren Arena AB has a loss.

The annual report for 2023 shows that the company backed out around SEK 1.5 million last year and that the office premises were 75% leased.

Thoren Arena AB went with just over 8 million in profit in 2021 and 2022.

- We really wanted to get a hall to Umeå.

Get young people to stay here for upper secondary education.

For the city's sake, this is great, says Raja Thoren.