“It is impossible by law to delineate the connection between two fraternal peoples. In my opinion, this is a terrible absurdity - to create rules for how Ukrainian society should coexist with Russia. I see thousands of cars with Ukrainian license plates in the Crimea, and now they will be told how they should drive here, where to appear, what to wear and how to look at the Crimeans? ”Said Balbek.

According to the deputy, "our peoples, however, communicate without any laws, and still come to a consensus."

“It’s just that someone in the new Verkhovna Rada cannot wait to become a“ great reformer ”and enter history books,” he concluded.

Earlier Vakarchuk said that the Verkhovna Rada need to adopt a law on relations between Ukraine and Russia in all areas.

As an example, he cited the situation with the tour, when some Ukrainian artists categorically refuse to travel to Russian territory, while others are actively touring in Russia.