“The signal of the fire entered the emergency services at 19:33 Moscow time. Employees of the regional fire department arrived at the scene, and half an hour later, at 20:03 Moscow time, they localized a fire on an area of ​​2.4 thousand square meters meters At 21:46 Moscow time, it was completely liquidated, ”TASS cites emergency services.

It is noted that five pieces of equipment and 14 people were involved in extinguishing the fire.

According to preliminary information, the cause of a fire could be a malfunction of one of the heaters installed in tents.

Earlier it was reported that in connection with the death of a child in a fire in a tent camp in the Khabarovsk Territory a criminal case was opened.

The fire in the territory of the ski complex “Holdomi” occurred on July 22, one child died, three more suffered.