
US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, who visited Korea yesterday, is meeting with President Roh Yong-hyun's office of the National Security Agency and foreign ministers and defense ministers yesterday. In addition to the joint defense of the Hormuz Strait and the conflict between Korea and Japan, it is noteworthy that Russia's involvement in the airspace will be discussed yesterday.

On the press, Kim Hye-young is reporter.


John Bolton, the White House National Security Adviser, will begin his official visit today.

Today, I will visit the Cheong Wa Dae and the Ministry of National Defense to meet with Defense Minister Chung Kyeong-do and Defense Minister Chung Kyeong-Doo, and will meet with Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa this afternoon to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Bolton is likely to ask the US government to participate in the "Hormuz Escort Coalition", which has already invited Korea and other diplomatic corps to participate.

President Trump is expected to hold talks on the Korea-Japan conflict, which he said would have been possible if both sides asked for it.

It is expected that exchange of opinions will be made about the Korean airspace invasion of Russian military aircraft yesterday.

It is inconvenient for the US as it is not only a violation of the security sovereignty of South Korea, which is an ally of the United States, but also the fact that China and Russia have responded jointly to US regional strategy.

It is also possible that the two sides will continue discussions on the importance of the ROK-US alliance, and furthermore, the importance of the three-way cooperation between Korea and the United States, as it also acknowledged Russia's serious threats such as protests against Russia yesterday.