Paris (AFP)

In the wake of a call for a work stoppage by three France Télévisions unions, four other organizations called Friday for a 24-hour strike on June 13, to fight a plan to remove "Soir 3", an iconic television news program. from France 3.

After the CGT, FO and the CFDT, which had filed a strike notice on Thursday, the SNJ, the CFE-CGC, South and the UNSA in turn called the employees of the public group to a work stoppage on June 13, to withdraw this project, and defend employment claims.

These calls to strike could disrupt a great special evening for the 70th anniversary of the first newscast, scheduled that day on France 2.

In May, the group's management presented the unions with a plan to create a new, reinforced slice of information, from 9:00 pm to midnight, on the franceinfo channel. It is in this context that the management of the group plans to stop the broadcast of "Evening 3" in September. Instead, the group wants to propose, in the new evenings of franceinfo, a 30-minute newspaper (like "Soir 3"), at 23:00, made by the current teams of "Soir 3" and the writing of the channel of info.

For the SNJ, the CFE-CGC, South and the UNSA, "this suppression is an insult to all those who for years have been the architects of the success of this edition.Built of the double game, the direction asks those who manufacture the evening 3 to produce it now for Franceinfo ", explain these organizations in a joint communique.

This project is strongly fought internally and has also sparked protests outside France Télévisions, with several petitions (one of which has exceeded 5,000 signatures) and the mobilization of some local elected officials and national political leaders.

Launched in September 1978, "Soir 3" is presented since 2016 by Francis Letellier on weekdays and Sandrine Aramon on weekends.

A first call for a 48-hour strike in full European elections had already been launched to defend the newspaper by three other unions (SNJ, CGC and UNSA). The electoral evenings of France 2, France 3 and franceinfo could nevertheless be assured, despite disturbances.

? 2019 AFP