
In recent politics, people are pouring out words to the extent that someone wants to compete more severely. In addition to the "North Korean spokesman" for the president and the ruling party, the phrase "descendant of the South Korean party" also appeared. In the right future party, The normalization of the National Assembly is still far away.

It is a reporter.


In the march of political circles, there is also the outrage of the right-wing lawmaker Ha Tae-kyung and the remarks of the elderly.

I am asking for Mr. Sohn's resignation.

[Ha Tae-kyung / Righteous Futurist: Democracy that is hardest to defend is personal inner democracy. Because when I get older, the spirit is lost.]

[Son Hak-gyu / President of the Future Party: Politics is getting tough. I have gold, and I have to keep my courtesy.

The KCTU continued to attack the colorist theory of "the descendants of the Minorodang" as a follow-up to North Korea's spokesman for the Hwangsang administration.

[Lee Joo - young / Free Republican Party Member: I heard the rumor that we should not return to the Cheonan,

As the remarks were passed, the Democratic National Assembly pledged hard-earned remarks, saying that there was no will to normalize the party.

The Cheong Wa Dae, which has been a non-conformity till now, is now committed to responding to the end of the sentence.

Democratic Party leader Lee Hae-chan also urged the Hwang's representative to refrain from making a final decision.

[Lee, Hae-chan / President of the Democratic Party: If the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic acted as a concerned person, he would not say anything until yesterday (21st) .]

The democratic party has normalized without condition, the Korean party has replaced the apology with the fast track source, and the rhetorical controversy overturned, and the resolution of normalization of the parliament by the ruling party has been lifted again.