He noted that in the isolation ward they were following the election campaign in Ukraine.

“Over Poroshenko prison frankly laughs. They laugh at a man who in the 14th year promised to end the war in Donbas in a few weeks, and then he realized that it was better to earn money on it ... They laugh in prison and how Poroshenko began to admit his mistakes two weeks before the second round almost a five-year rule, ”wrote Vyshinsky in an article for RIA Novosti from the Kiev detention center.

He also did not rule out that Poroshenko, after losing the election, could end up in the same Kiev remand prison (the so-called Lukyanovskaya prison).

“Many of my neighbors believe that, having lost the election, Poroshenko will sooner or later be here in Lukyanovka. It is possible that until the autumn - so that in October it was from here that I could vote in the elections to the Rada, ”Vyshinsky said.

Earlier, the leader of the Batkivshchyna party, Yulia Tymoshenko, expressed confidence in the victory of the candidate for the presidency of the country, Vladimir Zelensky, in the second round of the presidential elections.

April 19 Petro Poroshenko and Vladimir Zelensky will hold a debate at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev.

Political analyst and publicist Armen Gasparyan, in an interview with Inforeactor, assessed what was happening in Ukraine.