“As you know, voting in the UN is not completely free for a number of countries. When voting, that position is expressed, which is determined by their allied duties, Euro-Atlantic solidarity, in some cases a very serious dependence of these countries on the United States, ”he believes.

Novikov also noted that we should not forget about those countries that supported Russia.

“Under these conditions, while remaining a power that is striving for global domination, the United States is able to influence large groups of countries, which was shown by the vote. It also demonstrated US persistence in willingness to break down the INF. But at the same time, it should be noted and appreciated that quite a few countries expressed support for the Russian position, it is worth a lot. And we must take this part of the vote into account when we evaluate the totality of the whole situation, ”the deputy concluded.

Earlier, the UNGA voted against the submission of the Russian draft resolution on the INF.

It is noted that 55 countries voted against the introduction of the draft, for - 31, abstained 54.