“Behind this growth is the reluctance of the United States to extend the INF. States have already announced that they are not going to do this. And, of course, all countries that depend on the United States voted against. As for the prospects, they are obvious. The United States will withdraw from the treaty, after which it will cease to act, at least in its current form, ”said Bruter.

He also noted that the United States will do everything possible to prevent Russia from engaging the UN in resolving the issue of the INF.

“Regarding the desire of Russia to use the UN mechanism, the United States will try to make it impossible. And any international mechanisms that can be attracted in this case will be blocked by the West. The states will do their utmost to ensure that there are no such resolutions. Of course, as a result of the vote, we see that the UN is not completely on the side of the United States, but that does not change anything, ”the expert believes.

Earlier, the UNGA voted against the submission to the Russian draft resolution on the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.

It is noted that 55 countries voted against the introduction of the draft, for - 31, abstained 54.