“I hope they are not going to seize any vessels. As for the format itself, it is obvious that Petro Poroshenko thus says goodbye to the post. He had long promised to build something similar in the Kerch Strait. Before the election he was not given, perhaps he wants to try after, ”the expert believes.

Bruter also noted that this Poroshenko’s rhetoric is customary for the “Ukrainian transfer of political inheritance.”

“In this way, he wants to make it so difficult for the new president to start work. Obviously, this is such a Ukrainian political practice. Instead of quietly leaving and not annoying anyone else, he is trying to exacerbate the situation towards the end of his reign, ”he said.

Earlier, servicemen of the Maritime Special Purpose Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported conducting exercises to seize vessels as part of boarding groups.

It is noted that this stage is the third part of the training activities on the water, which are conducted by the center.