“I think it is clear why they are learning to seize. This, most likely, is about the water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov, the Kerch Strait. But this is a kind of inertial delay in time. Apparently, the exercises were planned for a long time, still in favor of Mr. Poroshenko. Now, Vladimir Zelensky needs to decide whether to move further towards confrontation with Russia, or still somehow change the foreign policy of his country towards its neighbor, ”the senator said.

Dzhabarov also noted that due to the internal political situation in Ukraine, it is not necessary to attach particular importance to the passing maneuvers.

Earlier, servicemen of the Maritime Special Purpose Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported conducting exercises to seize vessels as part of boarding groups.

It is noted that this stage is the third part of the training activities on the water, which are conducted by the center.