Religions of the world Podcast Podcast

The Silent Easter of Notre-Dame de Paris

Religions of the World - Sunday, April 21, 2019 - 9: 10-10: 00 Paris time

Smothered by the ashes of the fire that ravaged the roof, the great organ of Notre-Dame de Paris will remain silent this Easter Sunday (April 21, 2019). A first since the cathedral was returned to worship after the French Revolution. Special show, this Sunday, dedicated to Notre-Dame de Paris: testimonies, religious reactions, sound archives and two guests in the studio: the essayist and journalist Michel Cool, specialist in the life of the Church and Lucile de Trémiolles , choir director at the Maîtrise de Notre-Dame de Paris and artistic director of the festival "le Temps suspendu" of Saint-Benoît du Sault.

We will hear the Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia ; Bishop Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa; Matthieu Rougé, bishop of Nanterre and former secretary of Cardinal Lustiger ; Hanan Ben Rhouma, editor-in-chief of SaphirNews , daily online news on the Muslim fact. All say their sadness and testify to this unifying impulse around the bruised cathedral.

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