By RFIPalled on 08-10-2018Modified on 08-10-2018 at 19:47

In the aftermath of the presidential elections in Cameroon, there are still no provisional results. 24 hours after this day of voting, one of the main candidates today claims victory. Maurice Kamto claims to have won in the first round. Paul Biya's former minister spun the football metaphor to say he won. However, he gave neither figure nor percentage.

" I received a mission to shoot the historic penalty. I shot him, the goal was scored, "he said in front of his supporters and journalists gathered for a press conference Maurice Kamto who, while spinning the football metaphor, has claimed victory under the applause of his supporters.

I received a mission to shoot the historic penalty. I shot it, the goal was scored.

Maurice Kamto, Cameroonian presidential candidate

08-10-2018 - By Polycarpe Essomba

" I take to witness the national and international opinion of the historic event that has made possible in our country alternation a democratic alternation, continued the main opponent of Paul Biya who seeks in this election a 7th term after 36 years of power . I have received from the Cameroonian people a clear mandate that I intend to defend firmly to the end. I invite the outgoing President of the Republic to organize the conditions for a peaceful transition of power in order to protect Cameroon from a post-electoral crisis that our country does not need . "

CPDR denounces "a narcissistic allegation"

President Paul Biya did not react to this statement himself, but his party went out of silence. For Jacques Fame Ndongo, Minister of Higher Education and Secretary of Communication of the CPDM, the party in power, it is crazy talk, completely fanciful.

" This is a narcissistic allegation that is phantasmagoria. It has no legal, political or sociological basis. It is therefore null, and it denies the facts, he said at the microphone of RFI. Moreover, it is contrary to the laws and regulations of the Republic. We suspect that this is a strategy to try to win at any cost. But only the Cameroonian people is sovereign and only the ballot boxes must decide the next President of the Republic. We are not a banana republic where someone can stand up and proclaim themselves president, we are a state of law. "

Only the Cameroonian people is sovereign and only the ballot boxes must decide the next President of the Republic. We are not a banana republic where someone can stand up and proclaim himself president.

Jacques Fame Ndongo, Minister of Higher Education and Secretary of Communication of the CPDM

08-10-2018 - By Julie Vandal

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    Presidential election in Cameroon: after the vote, the first political declarations

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    Presidential election in Cameroon: after the vote, time is counting votes

    Presidential elections in Cameroon: a calm election despite some incidents


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