By RFIPalled on 09-10-2018Modified on 09-10-2018 at 16:45

Many comments in Cameroon this Tuesday morning in the political class and the press after the words of Maurice Kamto. The former justice minister claimed Monday the victory in Sunday's election. A one-run presidential election between outgoing Paul Biya and seven other candidates. All newspapers make their headlines on these statements.

All of the Cameroonian media are on the subject, most often with the photo of Maurice Kamto in front of the pickups. " Storm in Cameroon, Maurice Kamto claims victory ", for example title The New Expression . " The season of long knives " for the daily Mutation . " Kamto plays with fire " for Info morning . The Orphan assures that a great popular movement is in preparation if Paul Biya is proclaimed winner.

The government daily Cameroon-tribune for its part title: " The political class out the red card ". According to this newspaper, the exit of Maurice Kamto is unfortunate and clumsy. The renowned academic seems to have lost his serenity and his means, says Cameroon-forum . More informative, The Messenger : " Maurice Kamto claims the victory ". Or The Day that quotes the candidate of the Movement for the rebirth of Cameroon (MRC): " I scored the penalty ".

So newspapers are rather cautious. Moreover, the New Expression draws already some lessons from the ballot. The newspaper sees a reorganization of the political landscape , with the RDPC and the MRC of Maurice Kamto as key figures, the rise to the sun of the party Universe Cabral Libii and the descent into hell of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) Joshua Osih.

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