During the local election in Turkey, two people were shot dead in the eastern Anatolian Malatya. The news agency DHA reported that two groups had clashed in a polling station in the district of Pötürge. One had then pulled a gun and killed two people. The shooter had been arrested.

The head of the small opposition Saadet, Temel Karamollaoglu, wrote on Twitter that the victims are two election observers from his party. The two had protested against an open vote and were then killed.

Mood test for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Around 57 million Turks are called nationwide to elect mayors, local councilors and other local politicians. The vote will take place simultaneously in all 81 provinces. According to official figures, around 553,000 security forces are deployed nationwide.

The local election is a mood test for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his conservative Islamic government AKP. It will be particularly exciting in the economic metropolis of Istanbul and the capital Ankara. There is a short exit expected (read more about the elections in Turkey).

Both cities have been governed by conservative mayors for more than 20 years. A defeat there would be a loss of face for Erdogan, who was once Mayor of Istanbul.
