Clifford Williams spent 42 years in prison for murder. He along with Hubert Myers' convictions were overturned today. They are now free. @ActionNewsJax at 5:00 # / ALr3Sy03LP

- Bridgette Matter (@bridgetteANjax) March 28, 2019

According to CBS, the 34-year-old Clifford Williams and his nephew Hubert Myers, who was 18, became the main suspects in the murder and attempted murder in Florida in 1976, they were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Anonymous and nephew, who were imprisoned for 42 years for a Florida murder, were vindicated "Attorney says

- CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) March 29, 2019

As noted in the investigation report, another person who died in 1994 took responsibility for the crimes.

In November 2016, the American police pleaded not guilty to a man who had been in prison for 43 years and who was accused of murder on the basis of the testimony of a witness.