Every day, David Abiker scrutinizes the print and the web and decrypts the news.

Biodiversity: Avengers need ...

This Tuesday morning, the headlines of the newspapers look like the trailer of a disaster movie. Biodiversity: the global alert, launches Southwest. One million species in suspension, it is the One of the New Republic. Soon it will be too late, warns Midi Libre. But Le Monde tries to mobilize "It's not too late to act". And at that moment that arrives on your screens to save the planet? The Avengers, a band of super heroes to help biodiversity. Superheroes to the rescue is science fiction but it works. The earthlings need heroes. Open Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui in France. Avengers has already achieved $ 2.1 billion in revenue, attracting nearly five million French and not only teenagers. 62-year-old Marie-Josée took her husband, Ahmed, 66 years old. In the United States, it's the best start in American box office history, while in China it's the biggest hit of a foreign film. Above all, Avengers Endgame does better than Titanic. One could deduce that voluntarism pays even if it is in the cinema. Save the planet, do miracles and find saviors, we want to believe. So agree for the World One, it's not too late to act even if superheroes do not exist.

The charter of Metz and the paradox of Prometheus

This is what we say when we look at the Republican Lorrain and G7 environment ministers who pose in Metz after the signing of a charter of biodiversity. An umpire wish for saving the planet. In Le Figaro, Etienne de Montety tells us about our paradoxes to us, the inhabitants of the planet earth, what he calls Paradox of Prometheus. Man has received fire synonymous with strength, life, progress but with this fire he is about to destroy the earth. Who of the man or the nature must save, asks himself editorialist of the Figaro. And this paradox of Prometheus finds its illustration this Tuesday morning in the Echoes.

The Congress of Tunnel Builders in Naples

It is held since this Monday in Naples in Italy. The world congress of tunnels where the man uses his super powers of conception, construction, imagination to dig the earth, to devour it with megaprojects. "Always longer, ever deeper, the tunnels do not stop breaking records all over the world." France boasts the 200 kilometers of the Grand Paris Express (one of the largest metro yards in the world) but in China, more than 6,000 kilometers of metro have been dug in 53 cities in 2018. The drilling of the moon is now being simulated, and a tunnel between Morocco and Spain has been studied with a tunnel dug at 300 meters. depths ". What does the man do with his superpower? It digs for the best public transport or for the worst. This Wednesday, the International Association of Tunnels and Underground Spaces will elect its president. A Frenchman or a Chinese, what will the elect do from the depths of their land? This is the paradox of Prometheus, the man has the technology for the worst or the best?

Drones above the processionary caterpillars

Moselle drones are being tested to combat the proliferation of processionary caterpillars that cause allergies. Not only, they are observed with flying machines but we experiment a new biocide safe for the population and dumped by flying machines of two meters in diameter and which can carry with them up to 24 kilos of product, intended to neutralize the larvae while preserving the environment. This is still the paradox of Prometheus, the man with the technique can do wonders.

Lourdes by Demaizières and Teurlai

"Lourdes", a documentary by Thierry Demaizières and Alban Teurlai. Here, superheroes are ordinary people and voluntarism is replaced by faith. A documentary, tells us the Cross, which shows those who go on pilgrimage to the Marian city. A look full of tenderness, touching and respectful of the faith and the various ways of expressing it. A neutral look too, enthuses the Catholic daily, since those behind the camera are atheists and it is precisely the neutrality of their images that brings out the spiritual. Lourdes, where the camera went for universal values ​​such as solidarity and empathy. We are far from the Avengers but perhaps close to what is called "hope" which the planet needs so much and we think back to this one of the World "it is not too late to act" and to this fragile charter of biodiversity. A charter is better than nothing. So you have to believe it.

Madonna will appear at the Grand Rex in 2020.

And since we are talking about Lourdes, a madonna has crept into the show pages of Parisien-Aujourd'hui in France. Madonna, who is releasing a 14th album on June 14, will be touring France in 2020 and could make some dates at the Grand Rex. Seven years that Madonna had not appeared to her French fans in real life. A little miracle when you have faith.