According to the French newspaper Le Monde, Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's retreat from the candidacy for a fifth term did not convince young people who want to "leave the regime."

The thousands of students who came out last Tuesday in a demonstration aimed at protesting the Ministry of Education's acceleration and prolongation of university leave turned their demands to criticize Bouteflika's announcement that he would withdraw his candidacy and postpone the April 18 election to a non- Named.

"We asked for the departure of Bouteflika. We demanded the departure of the regime. We wanted elections without Bouteflika. We ended up with Bouteflika without elections," said Sufian, a 20-year-old student.

The writer describes the participants protesting that they are happy young people crowd between the square of Odin and the Grand Post and sing "Metzdiche min Bouteflika", which we do not accept to continue to govern for even a minute, as well as other slogans accuse the regime of plundering the people's money and other stresses that the future of the country in the hands And that the protests were "peaceful but not romantic".

As the police hovered over the center of the city, students and students expressed their attachment to their demands and asserted that they would continue to protest until their destination was achieved. Bouteflika's declaration was "just ashes in the eyes as they are not entitled to cancel the elections," according to student Aziz.

"We have misjudged them," said Jamal, commenting on the youth protests, while a young man was carrying a banner reading: "You will face a generation that knows you well and you do not know it at all."

The password on social networks is no longer "for the fifth term" but rather "no longer for the fourth term."

She notes that the students of the University of Algeria 2 have established a "temporary independent committee for students" and called for "return to university campuses and participation in public assemblies" and to join demonstrations Friday 15 March and Tuesday 19 March.