The weather on the way to work today (the 9th) was rather chilly due to the rain that fell overnight, but the temperature is rising significantly as the sun shines again.

The daytime maximum temperature in Seoul today is 25 degrees, and it will be as hot as early summer.

Since the daily temperature difference is more than 10 degrees, please pay more attention to your clothes.

This is the current satellite image.

Clear skies are exposed mainly in the central region.

There is no more rain forecast today, only clouds will pass occasionally, but strong winds with an instantaneous wind speed of 15 m/s will blow over the southern coast and Jeju Island.

Please take good care of the facilities.

The daytime maximum temperature will rise significantly in the central region, including Seoul 25 degrees, Chuncheon 26 degrees, and Daejeon 24 degrees.

For the time being, the weather will be mostly clear and slightly hot mainly in the inland, and it will rain frequently in Jeju Island and the southern coast.

(Tae-Bin Yang, Weather Caster)