On April 25, the National Health Commission held a press conference.

Are occupational stress, low back pain and other diseases considered occupational diseases?

According to the Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Law, occupational diseases refer to occupational diseases caused by workers in enterprises, institutions and individual economic organizations due to exposure to dust, radioactive substances and other toxic and harmful factors during occupational activities, said Li Tao, chief expert on occupational health at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Occupational stress, low back pain and other diseases are not currently considered occupational diseases, but it is a work-related disease.

Occupational stress, as the name suggests, is the mental and psychological stress caused by occupational activities.

The low back pain we are talking about now does not refer to general low back pain, but a work-related disease caused by long-term overloading of the low back due to work or poor working methods.

Since it is a work-related disease, the employer should take active measures to prevent the occurrence of these work-related diseases.

(Dong Zeyu)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]