David Juanes' channel, DJ Plomberie, which had more than 17 million views, suddenly disappeared a few days ago on YouTube.

The platform deleted it, and the 230 videos, in which the Hérault plumber shared his know-how, with.

The most famous plumber in France has created a new channel, and explained, in a video, the reasons for this brutal eviction.

"I did a live", with software that allows "to bring people to the screen," says the youtubeur.

“And there are people who don't want to appear with their heads on the screen, which I totally understand.

One of them had a black screen, I bring it up to the screen (…) And there was a pornographic image on it.

Very self-explanatory.

And that, the robots of YouTube did not appreciate: a few seconds later, DJ Plomberie received a message from the platform, which announced to him the deletion of his channel.

“I fell K.-O.


“I took a tampon, I fell K.-O.

I don't think I have a pornographic channel, ”laments Héraultais, which asked YouTube to reverse its decision.

So far, he has not heard from him.

The youtubeur will still recover his videos, thanks to a fan, who had kept them all.

But, it is a hard blow, for David Juanes.

“It's a professional channel, so I inevitably generate income on it, regrets the plumber from Hérault.

It complicates life a bit.

I have kids, credits, a normal life… ”


Hérault: By spinning tips on his job, DJ Plomberie has millions of views on YouTube

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