You are unstable, lazy, superficial, glued to your smartphone ... You are not tired of hearing these clichés about young people?

It's your turn to speak !

It's up to you to define your generation.

20 minutes

 decided to reverse the process by launching #MoiJeune, a series of questionnaires built by and for young people, in partnership with OpinionWay. Since the start of the project, in March 2016, we have interviewed thousands of people between the ages of 18 and 30, on themes defined by editorial journalists or suggested by young people. The end of the Grail of the CDI, the balance between professional and personal life, online privacy, political and ecological commitment, the couple, friendship and social networks, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life ... We also wanted to give you the floor on topical subjects such as #NuitDebout, Brexit, the French presidential election, the Benalla affair, the Europeans and tragic events, such as the Nice attack on July 14, 2016.Some were also able to interview the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn. And most recently, we've been catching up on the community on a weekly basis during the Covid-19 crisis.

Inquisitive (and anonymous) questions by SMS

Today, more than 5,000 young people, representative of the 18-30 year old generation in France, have registered to be interviewed online, only via smartphone.

To continue to paint with you the portrait of your generation, far from clichés and received ideas, we need more respondents.

The relationship to authority, property, gender equality, new cultural consumption, religions… There are still plenty of subjects on which we would like to hear from you.

And surely others that you can continue to offer us.

If you are between 18 and 30 years old, you can register by leaving us your phone number.

We will only use it to occasionally send you a link to a short questionnaire.

Your data will of course be anonymized, and you can unsubscribe at any time if you wish.

Join the #MoiJeune community!



  • Society

  • Survey

  • Me young

  • 20 minutes