In April, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) decided that it was appropriate to use the term "comfort women" because the term "comfort women" could be misleading. It turned out that an unusual briefing session was held for the company that issues the textbook of the department regarding the application for correction of the description.

In April, the government said that using the term "comfort women" on the comfort women issue could be misleading, and on the use of the term "comfort women" and on "recruitment" during the Pacific War. The Cabinet has decided that it is appropriate to use "recruitment" instead of "compulsory entrainment" or "entrainment."

In response to this, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology held an online briefing session last month for companies that publish textbooks on social studies in junior high school, geography history in high school, and civilian studies, and a cabinet decision was made with the participation of 15 companies. It means that he explained the views that were made.

Regarding the description in the textbook, the revision of the certification standards in 2014 includes taking up any unified views of the government such as history and citizens.

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, at the briefing session, in response to this opinion, as an example of correcting the description such as "comfort women", the schedule for applying by the end of this month was shown, and the textbook company said "Please apply for correction. When asked, "Is there a possibility of a recommendation?", He answered, "There is a possibility of such measures."

The Textbook Division of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology does not usually hold such briefing sessions, and said that it was the first time since the revision of the certification criteria, "I did not strongly request a correction application, but held it only to inform the contents of the Cabinet decision. I want each company to consider it. "

Some textbook companies said, "I felt pressure to correct the schedule and recommendations at an unprecedented briefing session," and after the briefing session, a publishing-related labor union such as a textbook company came to the country this time. We are sending a protest letter requesting the withdrawal of the Cabinet decision.