The terms of the judgment of the National Court are


And forceful


The dismissal of Colonel

Diego Pérez de los Cobos

as head of the Madrid Civil Guard Command did not respond to the reasons given by the Minister of the Interior, but to political retaliation.

"We cannot conclude," the judge explains, "more than that the reason for

the discretionary dismissal decision was illegal

, while the dismissal was motivated by complying with what the law and the express judicial order ordered.

aban [...] what, among other things, could have constituted a criminal offense. "That is,

Fernando Grande-Marlaska

, in his capacity as a former magistrate and former member of the CGPJ, knew perfectly well that he was violating the law when he asked Pérez de los Cobos to violate the secrecy demanded by the judge investigating the

case 8-M

and inform him of the details of the imputation of the Government delegate and head of the PSOE in Madrid,

Jose Manuel Franco


By refusing this, Marlaska dismissed him lightning, without taking into account the impeccable career of someone who has always stood out for defending legality.

Something that he has done again by vetoing the promotion to general that corresponded to him by ladder


After such a sentence, the minister must immediately leave his post, having lost the legitimacy to continue occupying such a high responsibility.

Marlaska cannot remain in government for another minute


Because we are facing the harshest judicial disapproval of a person in charge of the Interior since the judgment of the Segundo Marey case, which ended with


in jail, or the one that declared the call unconstitutional

Corcuera law

, which caused the resignation of the also socialist minister.

It is not surprising, in that sense, that his successor in office defends

the trampling of a fundamental right that involves violating, with a kick in the door

, the privacy of a home without the corresponding judicial authorization.

Marlaska has limited himself to announcing that he will appeal the sentence.

Given his moral standards, it is likely that neither Sánchez nor his Podemos partners will require him to leave office.

Among other reasons because

his independence allies of ERC saw with good eyes the removal of the Civil Guard colonel

that he had been sent to Catalonia to defend the Constitution in the critical context of the illegal referendum of 1-O.

But also, because the Minister of the Interior has become a key piece for the coalition government in its relationship with the left.



In fact, the same day that the judge issued the sentence advanced on Tuesday exclusively by EL MUNDO Marlaska continued impassive with

his immoral policy of approaching the Basque Country of ETA prisoners with serious crimes of blood


Yesterday he was awarded neither more nor less than

Francisco Javier García Gaztelu

, aka


, the bloodthirsty murderer who shot Miguel Ángel Blanco point-blank and who participated in crimes such as those of

Gregorio Ordonez


Fernando Múgica


Manuel Zamarreño


An unworthy minister.

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