The director of "Bronzés font du ski", Patrice Leconte, hopes that winter sports enthusiasts can return to the snowy slopes this winter and rehearse their favorite lines from the film.

Before explaining, Monday on Europe 1, why, forty years later, the film is still so successful in the hearts of the French.  

"But will we be able, this year, on the chairlifts, to sing 'When will I see you again, wonderful country?'" This is the question that torments, Monday, Patrice Leconte on Europe 1. The director of the famous film

The bronzed people ski

was the unexpected guest of Sébastien Krebs in the morning of Europe 1. And he hopes that the French will be able to proclaim the lines of their favorite film on the ski slopes, despite the coronavirus. 



- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday, November 16

"I am devastated because every year, we wonder if there will be snow so that we can ski, but today, we no longer ask ourselves only the question of snow. in the uncertainty of deconfinement. I understand the people of the stations who ask themselves three billion questions ... like lots of French people, of course, "says director Patrice Leconte.

And he adds with humor "hope that the skiers can order a pancake with sugar". 

"Skiing is not fashionable"

Because for almost 40 years, the French have always referred to this film.

"When I hear replicas of

tanned people skiing

, it enchants me. To have left this kind of traces, not just ski tracks but traces of dialogue and characters ... for a filmmaker, it is is a great reward ^! ", he says.

The famous "stick plant" by Jean-Claude Duss or even the chairlifts in which we get stuck, it is "timeless" for the director. 

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It is, among other things, this "timeless" side that explains for Patrice Leconte the success of the film, again in 2020. He says: "Last winter, I went to the mountains to ski with my daughters. realized that skiing has not changed. Chairlifts are still chairlifts, ski outfits are still a little colorful, snowy slopes are always snowy slopes, it's eternal. Skiing is not a subject to fashion at all. And that is perhaps, among other things, why the film is 40 years old today ".