
When creating textbooks for students, the guideline is the curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education. Following the controversy over the lack of the May 18th Gwangju Democratization Movement in the recently revised curriculum, it has been confirmed that the issue of comfort women for the Japanese military is not included.

Fact-checking facts were analyzed by the team. 

This is reporter Lee Kyung-won.


The key to the reason why 5·18 was omitted from the revised curriculum, which will be applied from 2024 textbooks, is the simplification of the curriculum.

If too many of these incidents are included, the autonomy of writing textbooks could be damaged, so they were included in a limited way.

What you are looking at now are historical events included in the current high school Korean history curriculum.

quite a lot

A total of 129 cases.

Then, which of these cases was included in this 'revised' curriculum, this is the part that just turned red.

3·1 Movement, 8·15 Liberation, 6·25 War, 27 cases.

That's 102 out of 129.

The Ministry of Education clarifies that there are many cases that have been left out besides the May 18th. It is true.

However, among the missing parts is the issue of comfort women for the Japanese military.

Last year, Japanese history textbooks that reduced and covered up the issue of comfort women for the Japanese military became a problem.

At the time, the Ministry of Education even issued a statement saying that it would actively respond to Japan's distortion of history, but it was actually excluded from our Korean history curriculum.

There is also a change in 'Considerations for Achievement Criteria', which presents students' evaluation standards for the history of the Japanese colonial era.

Unlike the current curriculum that emphasized the human rights issues of victims such as comfort women for the Japanese military, the revised curriculum focuses on the relationship between colonial rule and the international order, as well as changes in industry and economy at the time.

In particular, while the issue of comfort women for the Japanese military was omitted, it is noticeable that the issue of Koreans who emigrated overseas due to the Japanese economic invasion was included.

The Ministry of Education said, "There were no special issues raised regarding the comfort women for the Japanese military," and that "the standards for compiling textbooks are scheduled to include several incidents, and the content of the comfort women for the Japanese military is also being reviewed."

(Video editing: Cheolho Chae, CG: Hyunjoong Seo·Jaeeun Seong)