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A 20-year-old man who dragged and raped a girl he first saw in a large downtown store in broad daylight into the bathroom has been sentenced to probation. 

According to the legal community today (29th), the 12th Criminal Division of the Daejeon District Court (Chief Judge Yoo Seok-cheol) sentenced 28-year-old A, who was charged with violating the Act on the Protection of Children and Youth, to 3 years in prison and 4 years of probation. .

In addition, he was ordered to take 40 hours of sexual violence treatment lectures and to be restricted from employment at child and youth-related organizations for 7 years. 

A sexually assaulted two teenage girls at a large store in Sejong last summer.

After that, while wandering the store, he dragged another teenage girl, Miss B, to the men's bathroom while she was shopping and sexually assaulted her.

At that time, Miss B resisted, but it is said that she did not leave the scene. 

The court said, "The guilt committed against the victim who was shopping in a public place in the middle of the day is very heavy," but "the defendant shows an attitude of self-reflection, the degree of force exercised in the course of the crime is relatively insignificant, and the criminal We have considered the fact that we have never been punished and that the victim is pleading for mercy,” he said. 

Previously, it is known that Mr. A admitted all charges during the first trial and submitted a statement of reflection 75 times. 

Prosecutors immediately appealed to the court's decision, saying, "Even if there is a victim's petition, the sentence is unfair in terms of the quality of the crime."

The second trial will be handled by the Criminal Counseling Division of the Daejeon High Court. 

This is a 'news pick'.

(Photo = provided by Yonhap News TV / Yonhap News)