Justice Minister Park Beom-gye said he hopes that Shin will not withdraw in connection with the expression of his appreciation by Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, for the conflict that occurred during the prosecution's personnel process.

Minister Park met reporters today (18th) afternoon in front of the Gwacheon government office of the Ministry of Justice and said, "I sincerely hope that Shin will continue to be the chief civil servant and serve as an assistant to President Moon Jae-in."

Regarding the conflict situation that led to Chief Shin's appreciation, Minister Park said, "We have met with Chief Shin several times in relation to this greeting, and we are willing to meet each other."

Regarding the personnel of the prosecution's middle officer, Minister Park said, "Now, the Ministry of Justice and the chief prosecutor's office are having a conversation back and forth," he said.

(Photo = Yonhap News)