<Oh! You can find out your interests and honest reactions on today (22th) through SNS and internet search terms. Click> Time.

An anonymous Gwangju citizen donated 1.25 million won in tuition to firefighters in Daegu, suffering from Corona 19.

<Oh! Click> The first search term is'donate to the brothers'.

This is the East Fire Station of Daegu on the night of the 19th.

As a man throws only two envelopes, they disappear immediately.
There was only two envelopes left in this place where I said "I'm in trouble".

In the envelope, there was 1,152,000 won in cash and a handwritten letter. He started writing the letter "To the firefighters in Dalgubeol, the brother city." For the designers in Daegu, they said they discounted their lecture fees by 50% and donated all the lecture fees they received.

Of course, all the firefighters across the country worked hard, but the firefighters in Daegu, where the early corona 19 incident was particularly heavy, seemed to have had a lot of effort.

The netizens said, "Dalgubeol Daegu, Gwanggoul Gwangju!'Moonlight alliance' is very warm^^" It showed back reaction.

(Source: Daegu Fire Safety Headquarters)