For years, there has been a civil war in Yemen. Now there should be a renewed attempt to settle the conflict peacefully. On Thursday, peace talks will begin in Sweden between the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels. This was confirmed by the office of UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths. The negotiations are to take place near the Swedish capital Stockholm.

The rebels' negotiators arrived in Sweden on Tuesday. The government delegation headed by Foreign Minister Chaled al-Jamani set off from Riyadh on Wednesday for Stockholm. In 2016, peace talks between the government and the Houthi rebels had been unsuccessful after more than a hundred days of negotiations.

The civil war in Yemen has been going on since 2014. According to the UN, around 10,000 people have already been killed, including thousands of civilians. According to the UN, it is the most serious humanitarian crisis worldwide.

The conflict is fueled by the fact that both sides have major regional powers behind them: The government of President Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi is supported by Sunni Saudi Arabia and a military coalition led by Riyadh, while Shiite Iran supports the Houthi rebels.