The protests of the yellow vests have been occupying France for months. The country also discussed violent police measures. The UN has now asked France to investigate cases of excessive police violence in the "Yellow West" protests.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, called for an "in-depth investigation into reports of cases of excessive use of force" by the security forces. The government must seek dialogue with the protest movement, she explained.

The focus of discussion in France is the controversial use of rubber bullets and stun grenades with explosives. Both are allowed to use the French police for self-protection. At the beginning of February, the Paris Council of State had confirmed that: The risk of violence during the demonstrations made the use of hard rubber ammunition necessary. In many other EU countries, these funds are banned.

The Council of Europe also criticizes the use of rubber bullets

The Council of Europe had already called France a good week ago to refrain from using the controversial rubber ammunition against demonstrators. The organization referred to the numerous casualties at rallies of the "yellow vests".

According to the French Interior Ministry at the beginning of February, more than 2,000 people were injured in the protests, of which the ministry rated 70 as "absolute emergencies". This was countered by more than 1,300 injured security forces.

Just a month or so ago, a yellow-waisted activist lost a hand during a demonstration, according to news agency AFP. According to a witness report, he wanted to fend off a stun grenade, which then exploded. The Reuters reported, however, citing police circles that the man wanted to throw back a stun grenade of the police. The police spoke in violation of four severed fingers.

The "yellow vests" have been demonstrating against the policies of President Emmanuel Macron for over three months. Among other things, they accuse the police of disobeying internal instructions and of targeting the demonstrators with rubber bullets. Around 20 people complain about the loss of an eye.