Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


Investigations on the data leak lead to arrest

What drives a young person to publish private data of politicians and celebrities on the net? Investigators in the case of the big data leaks have got initial answers to this question. Already on Sunday evening, the authorities had provisionally arrested a 20-year-old from Central Hesse. According to initial findings, he should have no connections to foreign intelligence services. On Monday, the police released him for lack of detention grounds again on the loose. Lawyer Peter Hense explains in an interview here what legal matters could still apply to him.

According to his own statements, the suspect had been annoyed by public statements made by the politicians, journalists and public figures concerned, the BKA said. The suspect is accused of having published over the now suspended Twitter account @ _0rbit in December, numerous personal data of politicians and celebrities as a kind of advent calendar. Find out more about the background of the leaks here.

For his data collection, the suspect is said to have exploited several security holes. Some are said to have been closed by now. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer commented on the data theft on Tuesday - and defended the actions of the authorities. In the private sector, everyone is initially responsible for protecting their data, he said. Absolute security could not be promised, especially with cybersecurity.


"John Bolton made a serious mistake."

This is what Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said about US Security Advisor John Bolton. He had previously set conditions during a visit to Israel for a withdrawal of American troops from Syria. According to this, the US wants Turkey to provide security guarantees for the Kurds fighting in Syria. This is mainly about the YPG militia, which is considered by Turkey as a terrorist group.


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What you need to know today

  • The AfD member of parliament Frank Magnitz from Bremen lies with injuries in the hospital. Three unknown culprits had beaten him, according to police with an object on the head. The police have now formed a special commission.
  • 18-year-old Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun will not be deported from Thailand for the time being. The Saudi Arabian said she had fled there because she had renounced Islam and feared for her life in her homeland. She was detained at the airport in Bangkok.
  • Kim Jong Un returns to China by special train. The North Korean ruler is expected to meet in the People's Republic with President Xi Jinping. According to North Korean statements, Kim is accompanied by his wife Ri Sol Ju and will remain until Thursday.
  • More women on the boards: In the 160 groups from the stock market indices Dax, MDax and SDax, according to an analysis, 61 managers worked on the board on January 1, 2019. That's eleven more women than a year ago - not enough yet, but the trend is still slightly positive.


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

A gilded piece of meat for Franck Ribéry causes outrage. But so coated the criticism of the menu selection of the multimillionaire, as entertaining is the accompanying video, comments Anja Rützel. In the meantime, celebrity chef Alfons Schuhbeck has also commented on the eating behavior of the Bayern star.

Yoga exercises against the Twitter stress: Harald Schmidt has an idea for Green boss Robert Habeck, who retires after missteps and a data leak from Twitter and Facebook. Pure harmony - thanks to ass bites at sunrise. Click here for the video.


The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Beginning of January, time of good intentions: Following the arguments of ancient philosophers, gluttony does not allow for a good life. So Epikur fasted regularly to regenerate the lust for life again and again. Maja Beckers describes the philosophy of fasting here.

Paul Krugman is one of the most famous economists in the world and has taught at the Universities of Princeton and Stanford, among others. What does he predict for the economy in 2019? And how does he rate the policy of US President Donald Trump? Answers are Krugman in this interview.

A lot has started 100 years ago: 1919 was the year in which the Bauhaus was born, the first Waldorf School was founded, and the strange idea was born to perfect man. This idea has remained until today. It is connected with the illusion of the do-gooder, writes Ulrike Knöfel.



The recommendations for your closing time

Tonight you could already prepare for the Handball World Cup. It starts on Thursday in Germany and Denmark. What are the chances of the DHB selection? Who is the favorite? My colleague Jan Göbel has already compiled the most important facts for you here. An interview with national coach Christian Prokop read here.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Vanessa Steinmetz from the Daily Team

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