Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: Netherlands, durchge-rutte-lt

In the election in the Netherlands, the alliance of Prime Minister Mark Rutte has come under the wheels. Ruttes Conservative-Liberal Alliance lost the majority in the First Chamber of Parliament - comparable to the German Federal Council.

In addition to the Greens, who became the strongest force in the cities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen, the supporters of the right-wing populist Thierry Baudet are particularly pleased. With 12 seats Baudets Forum voor Democratie brought just as many mandates as Ruttes VVD.

Mieke Meesen

Pianist Baudet

Baudet is the next Geert Wilders in the Netherlands: almost as Islamophobic. And like the right-wing populist with the white tower-hairdo, Baudet is convinced that almost every problem can be explained by - and with the end of which - solved by immigration. Unlike Wilders, however, Baudet is intellectual. He likes to play the piano in public, does fine arts, refers to his academic education. And everyone wonders: how far can Baudet go?

It is also speculated whether the death shots of Utrecht have influenced the polling two days before the election. Lange was unclear, which caused the 37-year-old criminal Gökmen T. to kill three people in a streetcar and seriously injuring others. Now the public prosecutor's office has decided: It accuses because of terrorism.

The number of the day: 115 euros

This amount, 115 euros a year, would cost a chaos Brexit every German. He was charged by the Bertelsmann Foundation on the basis of projected additional costs due to tariffs and less competition. The British would be about eight times as expensive as a hard Brexit. They face an annual per capita loss of 900 euros.

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News: What you need to know today

  • Hundreds of thousands for the exit from Brexit: In Brussels, the EU heads of state and government - again - to Brexit, on the island have now 700,000 British petition against the EU's exit from their country.
  • Children as moan of movement? A survey that determines the physical activity of children and adolescents every three years comes to a distressing result: eight out of ten do not do enough.
  • "Lifelong full equipment": For former Chancellor and Federal President is spent too much money, criticized the Federal Court of Audit. Now the salaries for Gerhard Schröder and Co. are to shrink, the Budgets Committee decided.


Policewoman with headscarf protects a funeral

  • Mourning with a headscarf: Under the motto "Headscarfs for Harmony", men and women in New Zealand are called to wear headscarves in memory of the victims of the Christchurch attack on Friday.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays


Greta Thunberg in Stockholm

Greta, the atomic prophetess: Columnist Jan Fleischhauer is pleased that a statement of the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg per nuclear power could plunge their left-green German followers into conscience troubles.


Driving on the car in front of me ...: In the German motoring trade sexism and #MeToo are obviously not an issue, there is a lot to see, explains Harald Schmidt in the video.

Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Pilot on assistance systems like the Boeing 737 Max: "Automation does not want to survive, we do." Read the interview here.

Jemal Countess / Getty Images

Crash site of Boeing in Bischoftu, Ethiopia

Does the book still have a chance? Today the Leipzig Book Fair starts. It is the meeting of an industry that is fighting the crisis. How are authors, publishers, dealers?

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

Gordon Welters / THE MIRROR

Young Guard: Amthor, Amtsberg, Kühnert

You will hear about them: Philip Amthor (CDU), Luise Amtsberg (Green) and Kevin Kühnert (SPD) are the hope bearers of their parties. Here the millennial politicians discuss their lives in the front row of the Berlin Republic - in the voice-over podcast.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Christoph Titz from the Daily Team

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