Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: One million species endangered

Uno experts raise alarm: Up to one million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. This is evident from the report of the World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), which was presented in Paris.

Whether amphibians, mammals, birds, reptiles or fish - land, water and air species are affected if there are no major changes in land use, environmental protection and mitigation of climate change. Read details from the report of conservation experts here.

Thus, man-made earth heating alone could wipe out around five percent of species if the threshold of two degrees Celsius of global temperature increase is exceeded. 99 percent of coral reefs would most likely die in such a development. As the most important factor in the extinction of species, the report names the effects of agriculture.

Species extinction is more dangerous than climate change. People need to take back, writes my colleague Philip Bethge.

The world is on its way to ecological insolvency, writes my colleague Christian Schwägerl in his commentary.

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News: What you need to know today

  • Trump's risky tweets: The trade talks between the US and China should now enter the decisive round. But Donald Trump causes with two tweets for restlessness. Read here what it's about.
  • Hamas drives Netanyahu ahead of him: Israel and militant Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have agreed to a ceasefire. But the next escalation is already threatening.
    • Duchess Meghan gives birth to boys: British Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have become parents for the first time. The boy was born Monday morning, 34-year-old Harry reported.

    Yui Mok / REUTERS

    Harry and Meghan

    • Why did the Sukhoi Superjet 100 have to make an emergency landing? 78 people died on approach to the airport in Sheremetyevo, Moscow. Three scenarios are in the focus of the investigators.
    • Puigdemont allowed to compete in the European elections: The exiled former Catalan regional president may run for a decision in Madrid.

    Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

    Also ran Nazis: Has Kevin Kühnert required to abolish democracy? Of course not, but one might believe it in the face of the reactions to his interview. A Nazi march against it seems to bother anyone. Read the column by Margarete Stokowski here.

    Sick on board - what to do? Are malade passengers on cruise ships really ripped off? The travel professional Harald Schmidt knows advice. Click here for his video.


    Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

    Finally put an end to the sow claw: For many students a bad handwriting endangers the learning success. Experts demand the introduction of the GDR script.

    MITO images / vario images

    So you scare away the ghosts of your childhood: In our first years, it decides how we perceive the world. Here, the therapist Michael Mary explains why negative experiences burden our lives - and what helps against it. An interview by Marianne Wellershoff.

    Alex Linch / Getty Images

    The number of the day: 600,000

    So many people would be affected by vaccination in Germany. It will apply to community facilities such as kindergartens and schools as well as staff in hospitals and medical practices. Read here about the controversial law plan .

    Lukas Schulze / DPA


    My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

    See Pedro Almodóvar's TV talk to her: Mentally retarded nurse Benigno and travel writer Marco share a common destiny: they care for two women in a coma hospital. (Arte shows the melodrama at 8.15 pm)


    Scene from "Talk to her"

    I wish you a nice finishing time.


    Alwin Schröder from the Daily team

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