Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: a year GroKo

Asylum dispute, Maaßen affair, lasting crisis mood - for a year, the Grand Coalition is in office and sometimes it looked as if it could break. Accordingly negative is the judgment of the citizens. A SPON survey shows that over half of respondents are dissatisfied with the government under Chancellor Angela Merkel. According to Minister of Defense Ursula von der Leyen, the most unpopular minister who recently came under pressure in the consultancy affair and corruption in connection with the naval school ship Gorch Fock. The Chancellor is the least unpopular. (You can find the complete government monitor here).

For Merkel it will be the last term. Regularly, the current legislature lasts until the autumn of 2021. However, it is already speculating cheerfully that Merkel could evacuate the Chancellery in advance. My colleague Florian Gathmann thinks this is unlikely. Read here why Merkel will not simply resign.

Someone whose resignation was repeatedly speculated on is Horst Seehofer. The Minister of the Interior is still in office. The opposition, however, accuses him of splitting. (Read more here) And from other side there is criticism of the work of the government. The economy is dissatisfied with the annual balance of the Grand Coalition.

The number of the day: 12 years

So long was the supply of toilet paper, the Bavarian municipality Fuchstal had bought in 2006. Now the last sheet of single-ply paper is used up. With the purchase of the ham, the community was able to save 1000 euros. However, the gigantic delivery came about because an unsuspecting administrative employee had ignored the size of the packaging when ordering.

imago / Photocase

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News: What you need to know today

  • Volkswagen eliminates up to 7,000 jobs: Discussions between the works council and the board have come to an end. Volkswagen's core brand will cancel up to 7,000 jobs in the next five years - but there should not be redundancies.
  • Abuse investigations lead to suspects in the police: In the course of the investigation into the scandal of Lügde has become known that in NRW at least 15 police officers of child abuse were suspected. A previously-detained official is still on duty.
  • Scholz collects Germany's NATO pledges: Defense Minister von der Leyen has to adjust to massive cuts in their arms projects. Finance Minister Scholz has shattered her demands for a much higher budget for the Bundeswehr.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

The society has to fight back: A referendum in Berlin wants to expropriate real estate companies to protect tenants from speculation. For some this sounds like a class struggle, but the initiative is anything but a red flag revolution nostalgia, says my colleague Andreas Wassermann.

Bayern rockt: If you want to watch the football match FC Bayern Munich against Liverpool tonight on TV, then there is a trick by Paul Breitner, with which the television enjoyment can be increased. Which is that, reveals Harald Schmidt in his video column.


As Germany has once again angered: Almost all digital companies trick at the wheel, often they pay little to nothing. Nevertheless, there should be no digital tax in the EU. This is related to copyright reform, the German car industry and an algae fungus. A column by Sascha Lobo.

Stories: The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

A comedian as president? In a few weeks will be elected in Ukraine. Good chances for the presidency should have the TV entertainer Wolodymyr Selensky. He became known especially for his role as, precisely, Ukrainian President in the successful series "Servant of the People". The backgrounds.

Everyone wants to go to Berlin? That's not true. Germany has much more to offer. Five underrated cities to fall in love with - and opportunities for real estate investors - find it here.

Getty Images / iStockphoto

Rostock at night

On the smoke? A project in the Netherlands makes a splash: Groningen becomes an anti-tobacco city and wants to ban cigarettes. How this works and whether the movement could arrive in Germany, read here.

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

Look at the television Bayern - Liverpool: Who makes it to the quarterfinals of the Champions League? The Munich have a home game and brought at Anfield a 0: 0. But with the English, their leader Virgil van Dijk is back. Look forward to an exciting game (21 clock, Sky and Liveticker at SPIEGEL ONLINE).


Virgil van Dijk

Add to your playlist: "There should always be music," says Floyd, one of the main characters in the cult movie "Absolute Giants" - and he's right. So that you do not run out of music, my colleagues have listened to the new releases of the week and put together a few tips for you.

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Anna-Sophie Schneider from the Daily Team

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