Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


Time is running out for the global climate

Floods, droughts, thawing ice in the Arctic: The earth is warming up faster than previously thought - with drastic consequences. This emerges from the most important climate science report of the year, presented by 91 researchers from the UN IPCC in Incheon, South Korea.

Limiting global warming to one and a half degrees, as stipulated by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, is currently difficult to achieve, the researchers write. They therefore demand a drastic course of C02 emissions. My colleague Christoph Seidler has summarized and classified the results.

The effects of a changed climate could also directly affect millions of people in Germany - for example due to the rising sea level: this emerges from an unpublished bundestag paper that is available to SPIEGEL. According to this, about 3.2 million people in coastal areas are threatened by flooding.


Dagebull (Schleswig-Holstein)

In our newsletter, we usually put only one focus. Today we would like to draw your attention to another topic. A year ago, harassment allegations against US film producer Harvey Weinstein became known. After that, the #Metoo movement developed worldwide. But where do we stand next year for equal rights and sexual self-determination? My colleagues wrote down eleven demands, which must change urgently.


"I'll defend Niko Kovac to the brim."

With this sentence Bayern boss Uli Hoeneß tries to take coach Niko Kovac in protection. After a good start to the season, the team has been victorious for four competitive matches. Supposedly prevails at the responsible of FC Bayern Munich "absolute peace", from coach dismissal should be no question. But anyone who follows the Bundesliga knows: Such statements have a pretty fast expiration date in professional football.


Uli Hoeneß

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What you need to know today

  • Saudi Arabia and the missing journalist: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - a dangerous man.
  • China accuses ex-interpol chief of corruption: Meng Hongwei suddenly arrested.
  • Why real estate and gold are not the best investments: The Young Money Blog.
  • Run-off election for Brazil's presidency : An agitator splits the country.
  • Award for Research on Climate Change: Nobel Prize for Economics goes to US economists William Nordhaus and Paul Romer.


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

Donald Trump should not be pleased too soon: Although the US President has prevailed with his controversial judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, but the consequences of social division are also uncontrollable for him, writes my colleague Marc Pitzke.

Would Hitler choose AfD? Harald Schmidt is concerned about how the parties could convince one or the other voters before the Bayern election. Here is the video.


Harald Schmidt


The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

"War crimes are not time-barred, the question of reparations is open": The Polish ruling party demands from Germany reparations billions in the amount for the attack during the Second World War. National Conservative MP Arkadiusz Mularczyk explains the reasons.

Iraqi Instagram star Tara Fares shot dead: she was young, beautiful, self-confident - like several well-known women, social media star Tara Fares was shot dead by unknown persons. Are Shiite Islamists behind the murder series?


Tara Fares


The recommendations for your closing time

What you could do: worry about reading something new. Non-fiction book or dear novel? My colleague Felix Bayer supports you in your decision and has listed the 30 most important books for the literature autumn short and compact.

WDR / Thomas Kost

What else you could do: Rate the Dortmund crime scene. Commissioner Jan Pawlak (Rick Okon) celebrated his debut, undercover to discover illegal battles. My colleagues gave the "Fightclub" rating six out of ten points. What do you mean?

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Max Holscher from the Daily Team

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