Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.


Ice Age in the USA

January temperatures are completely normal in Chicago. But what usually resembles the German winter, currently more reminiscent of the Antarctic: A cold spell dominates parts of the United States, there were already first fatalities. Most affected is the Midwest, centered on the metropolis in the state of Illinois.


Lake Michigan in Chicago

The winter weather is also putting a strain on the country's infrastructure: thousands of flights have been canceled, trains have been canceled, and many schools and universities have been closed in many states. In a photo gallery and in the video you can see consequences of the cold spell.

Those who doubt climate change are now trying to refute it with the low temperatures. Even US President Donald Trump likes to emphasize that such a cold would not fit in with global warming. However, Jörg Kachelmann explains in his weather column why a reference to the current climate change situation is "nonsense". He also mentions the cause of the current situation in the US: the polar vortex. How exactly this provides for the enormous cold, explains my colleague Julia Merlot.


Snow-covered country road in Freudenberg, NRW

In Germany, it is currently not nearly as cold as in America. But even here, the weather in the West, especially for the rest. Due to heavy snowfall the airport Cologne / Bonn was closed. In addition, there were more than a thousand accidents and hundreds of kilometers of traffic jams during rush hour traffic. During this time, breakdown helpers have a particularly difficult time, as one of them reports in the job log. Harald Schmidt takes it with humor. He sees the "rear-end collision as a shared experience".



About the same number of people in Germany, ie just under five percent of the population, paid the top tax rate in 2014 (when the latest official figures come from). According to estimates by the scientist Stefan Bach of the German Institute for Economic Research, the share increased last year to about six percent. It is currently being discussed whether the top tax rate should rise. In the debate, however, there are many misunderstandings. An increase would not affect the middle class. My colleague David Böcking explains this and two other errors.


What you need to know today

  • Documents of the Russia investigation surfaced on the Internet: The team of special investigator Robert Mueller could have become claims of a cyber attack - possibly from Russia.
  • Schleswig-Holstein approves Wolf shooting: In the district of Pinneberg, a wolf has recently been more successful in overcoming fences and killing sheep. Therefore, the animal is now released for shooting.



  • Holocaust survivor in the Bundestag: Germany is a bulwark against the dangers of nationalism. The Holocaust survivor and historian Saul Friedländer has appealed movingly to the Bundestag.
  • Tattoo mishap at Ariana Grande: The US singer has tattooed Japanese characters on the hand. But that went wrong.


Ariana Grande

  • "Sea-Watch 3" moored in the port of Catania: For days, the rescue ship anchored off the Sicilian coast. Now it has arrived in Catania and the 47 refugees were allowed on land.
  • The previous findings on the cases of abuse in Lügde: At least 23 children were said to have been abused at a campsite in North Rhine-Westphalia. There are investigations against three suspects and against youth welfare offices.


Most talked about comments, interviews, essays

Particulate pollution deniers: The limit value circus has a new enemy image, writes Jan Fleischhauer - people who do not believe in the dire consequences of particulate matter. There are, according to our columnists, good reasons for skepticism.


Fine dust measuring station in Kiel

Psychedelic drugs in self-experiment: The US author Michael Pollan reported in a book about the renaissance of psychedelic drugs in medicine and research - and about his own experiences with LSD and mushrooms.


The most read texts at SPIEGEL +

Tester in megalomania: "Ökotest" should become a global brand. But China's expansion failed, cost millions - and everyone blames each other.

Rescue from the giant wave: A few weeks ago, a Brazilian surfer was in mortal danger in a fall - and survived thanks to Sebastian Steudtner. How the rescue came, the German tells in an interview.

Pedro Miranda

Thiago Jacaré (l.), Sebastian Steudtner

Donation to Africa - a good deed? Once a year my colleague Laura Backes mops clothes and brings them to the old clothes container around the corner. But she wondered: What happens to the clothes? Their findings read here.


The recommendations for your closing time

What you might see: With "Green Book" comes a movie in the cinemas, which is nominated for six Oscars. Among other things, Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali have the chance to be awarded as the best actor or best supporting actor. My colleague Andreas Borcholte is also thrilled with the performance of the two actors, as he writes in his review of the racist drama: Thanks to the two "touches and captivates" the film - but also the talent of director Peter Farrelly for comedy, kitsch and timing make the work worth seeing.


Viggo Mortensen (l.) And Mahershala Ali

What you might hear: Speed ​​limit? Bans? A religious war about particulate matter limits? The debate on transport policy has recently come to a head again - and is becoming increasingly irrational. My colleagues Sandra Sperber and Yasemin Yüksel discuss the topic in the current podcast "Stimmenfang".

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Andreas Evelt from the Daily Team

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