The Administrative Court of Munich has lifted the city bans against speakers of the AfD. Thus, among others, the Thuringian party leader Björn Höcke and the Bavarian parliamentary group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner may perform this Sunday at Frühshoppen the boys Alternative Bavaria in a public restaurant on an urban sports complex.

The administrative court declared the decision of the authorities on Saturday illegal, as a spokeswoman said. The city had not been able to demonstrate enough that the event could escalate and that disturbances on the part of the AfD can be expected. The city said it would appeal against the decision no complaint to the Bavarian Administrative Court.

Mayor disappointed with court decision

"Of course we respect today's court decision, even if we are disappointed, of course," said the Mayor of Munich Dieter Reiter (SPD). "The city of Munich, however, continues to hold the view that events that incite racism and anti-Semitism, attack the basic values ​​of our constitution or want to relativize National Socialism, should have no place in urban areas."

The state chairman of the Young Alternative Bavaria, Sven Kachelmann, welcomed the verdict. The judges had "exemplary rejected the attempts of distortion of political competition," he said.

The initiative "Munich is colorful!" has announced Gegenprotest on Sunday: According to a statement, "to show the right-wing extremist party AfD and their arsonists that they are not welcome in Munich."