Three weeks before the presidential election of March 15-16-17 for which he is a candidate, it is an exalted Vladimir Putin who is approaching the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.

In a recent interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson, the Russian president deemed a Russian defeat in Ukraine “impossible”. 

While the year 2022 had been marked by the failure of the Russian offensive on Kiev and humiliating retreats in the northeast and the south, the capture of Avdiïvka, on February 17, was the opportunity to him to present himself as a triumphant.

The Russian opposition has, for its part, been largely annihilated by the repression and, now, the death, in its Arctic prison, of its figurehead, Alexeï Navalny.

Ali Dilem started his career as a cartoonist for the daily Le Jeune Indépendant in 1990 then joined Le Matin in 1991 and La Liberté in 1996. He also works for the French program Kiosque on TV5.

The cartoonist is known for his freedom of tone towards the Bouteflika regime, drawings which have earned him around sixty lawsuits.

Cartooning for Peace is an international network of cartoonists committed to promoting, through the universality of press cartoons, freedom of expression, human rights and mutual respect between populations of different cultures or beliefs.

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