In response to the problems surrounding factional political funding parties, the Liberal Democratic Party's working team is discussing the creation of a system for managing members' areas of expertise and post preferences, with the aim of creating a system for centralizing party personnel management. I decided to do it.

The Liberal Democratic Party has set up three working teams under the ``Political Reform Headquarters'' in response to issues surrounding factional political funding parties, and 14 of these teams will consider strengthening party functions and governance, including personnel matters. The first meeting of the day was held.

At the outset, Yohei Matsumoto, former State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, who serves as the chairperson, stated, ``As trust in the Liberal Democratic Party has declined, we have to start anew, and I would like to broadly discuss the state of the party.''

In order to build a system in which the party centralizes human resources and human resource development, which have traditionally been carried out by factions, the party

will ◇ establish a system to manage the specialized fields and post preferences of members,

◇ expand the training system, etc. I have confirmed that we will discuss this.