The executive wants to move up a gear. Gérald Darmanin, traveling to Mayotte, announced on Sunday February 11 a constitutional revision to eliminate land law on the Indian Ocean island, which is facing a serious migration crisis.

“We are going to take a radical decision, which is the inclusion of the end of land law in Mayotte in a constitutional revision that the President of the Republic will choose,” declared the Minister of the Interior upon his arrival on the island. , paralyzed for three weeks by roadblocks installed by “citizen collectives” to protest against insecurity and uncontrolled immigration.

See alsoMayotte, still paralyzed by “citizen collectives”

“It will no longer be possible to become French if you are not yourself the child of French parents,” he added, assuring that this “will literally cut off the attractiveness” that the Mahorais archipelago, faced with to strong immigration, particularly from the neighboring Comoros.

“It is an extremely strong, clear, radical measure, which obviously will be limited to the Mayotte archipelago,” he added.

He specified that the abolition of land rights in Mayotte will make it possible to "put an end to the territorialized visa", a system which prevents holders of a residence permit in Mayotte from coming to France and the abolition of which is one of the demands citizen collectives.

In exceptional situations, exceptional measures. At the request of the President of the Republic, we announce with @mguevenoux the end of Mayotte soil law, the immediate application of the restrictions on family reunification provided for in the immigration law, the end of visas…

— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) February 11, 2024

“Since we will have many fewer residence permits and we will no longer have the possibility of being French when we come to Mayotte, territorialized visas are no longer necessary,” assured the minister.

According to him, the abolition of territorialized residence permits must be recorded in a Mayotte bill which will be studied in the National Assembly “in the coming weeks”.

Since January 22, the collective of "Forces vives de Mayotte" has maintained roadblocks in the four corners of the island, paralyzing traffic and disrupting the economic life of the poorest department in France to protest against insecurity and the crisis. migratory.

With AFP

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