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Video duration 04 minutes 46 seconds 04:46

The area of ​​Rafah Governorate (the southernmost part of the Gaza Strip) does not exceed 151 square kilometers, and about 1.3 million displaced people are currently crowded there in extremely difficult conditions.

Israel wants to launch a military operation in the city, after destroying all aspects of life in the northern and central Gaza Strip.

According to a report prepared by Salam Khader, satellite images show the displaced people gathering in a very small area of ​​the city, which Israel designated as a safe zone, and then bombed many of its areas.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed his army to prepare for a land incursion into the city located on the Egyptian-Palestinian border, which strengthens the hypothesis of the forcible displacement of displaced people towards the Sinai Peninsula.

The United Nations warned of a humanitarian catastrophe and serious regional repercussions as a result of Israel moving forward with its plans regarding Rafah.

Source: Al Jazeera