It is noted that only 35% of respondents are ready to work under the guidance of artificial intelligence.

The majority of Russians surveyed do not believe that AI will be able to replace their leader: 53% believe that a person can do their job better, and 24% note the irreplaceability of the current boss, as emphasized in a survey by and the Hexlet school. 

Only 9% of respondents would trust a manager's tasks to an AI because they are simple, analysts said.

The top positive traits of an ideal boss include humanity (69%), professionalism (64%) and optimism (50%).

“Among the negative traits of a boss, Russians named stinginess (50%), alarmism (25%) and reluctance to understand the work of subordinates (18%). The top 5 also included toxicity (16%) and aversion to new things (14%),” the experts added.

In addition, half of those surveyed are ready to tolerate an obnoxious manager, experts found.

Almost one in three (29%) note that they like their job, 18% hope that they will wait until their boss fires, and only 6% are afraid of losing their position, the study notes.

In total, 2 thousand working Russians took part in the survey.

Earlier it was reported that a third of Russians consider a 5/2 work schedule ideal.