Alexis Delafontaine / Photo credits: Ludovic MARIN / AFP 10:00 a.m., February 6, 2024

Emmanuel Macron will pay national tribute on Wednesday to the 42 French victims who lost their lives during the Hamas attack on Israel. The Head of State is also considering a second memorial event to pay tribute to the French victims of Gaza. A communications operation which highlights the president's difficulty in positioning himself on the conflict.

On October 7, more than 1,160 people lost their lives in Hamas' terrorist attack against Israel. Among them, 42 French nationals. Four months later to the day, this Wednesday February 7, Emmanuel Macron will pay a national tribute to the French victims of this attack, during a ceremony which will take place at Les Invalides in Paris.

The Head of State is also considering a second "memorial time" to also pay tribute to the French victims of Gaza. A communication operation which highlights Emmanuel Macron's difficulty in positioning himself on the conflict.


- Hamas attack on Israel: what will the tribute to the French victims look like this Wednesday?

A proposal supported by LFI

It’s the return of “at the same time”. The French presidency assumes, “we owe the same emotion and the same dignity to the French victims of the bombings in Gaza”. However, the Élysée has not yet specified the date or terms of this tribute.

Unsurprisingly, La France insoumise (LFI) supports the proposal of the Head of State, as justified by MP Aurélie Trouvé. “We welcome this decision. There was a letter from our parliamentary group president, Mathilde Panot, to ask that we be able to pay tribute to both the Franco-Israeli victims and the Franco-Palestinian victims because every life counts. We "We therefore welcome this decision to also have a tribute to the victims of the war in the Middle East, in Gaza", she testifies at the microphone of Europe 1.

“It’s shameful. It would be a shame for France to give in to Hamas’ laws,” replies Ange Kalderon, president of the “October 7, 2023 – Broken Lives” association. The provocation too much, therefore, for the families of the victims who have still not digested the presence of La France insoumise at the national tribute on Wednesday.