China News Service, February 5 (Xinhua) According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Nangolo Mbemba was sworn in on the 4th local time in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, to succeed the late President Hage Geingob and become the fourth president of the country after independence. president.

Data map: Nangolo Mbemba, the new president of Namibia.

  Mbemba was born in Southwest Africa (today's Namibia) on August 15, 1941. He once led many ministries in Namibia. From 2012 to 2017, he served as the General Secretary of the South West African People's Organization, the ruling party of Namibia; since 2018, he has served as the Vice President of Namibia.

  According to Reuters, Mbemba said he has no plans to run in elections due at the end of this year.

  "My goal was to become a school principal, I have achieved that and now I must thank the people of Namibia for the honor of my short term as president," Mbemba said at the swearing-in ceremony.

  In the early morning of the 4th local time, Namibia’s then President Hage Geingob died of cancer at the age of 82.

  The BBC reported that Geingob had previously been diagnosed with cancer. In January this year, the Namibian Presidential Palace announced that Geingob would take medical leave from January 25 to February 2 to go to the United States to receive new treatments for cancer cells. During this period, Vice President Mbemba served as Acting President.

  Geingob was born in August 1941 and served as the first prime minister of Namibia after independence. In March 2015, Geingob became president of Namibia.