Daniel J. Ollero Madrid


Updated Monday, February 5, 2024-13:54

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Vox spokesperson in the Madrid Assembly, Rocío Monasterio, has defended that the irregular vote recorded during the last plenary session was due to a "technical failure", a version that contrasts with the position of the Popular Party (PP), whose spokesperson,

Carlos Díaz-Pache insists that it was a "human error

. "

This incident, which

did not alter the final result

of the vote, has triggered an investigation by the Assembly.

The origin of the discrepancy lies in

a vote cast from the seat of the former Vox deputy, José Luis Ruiz Bartolomé

, whose successor, Javier Pérez Gallardo, had not yet officially assumed office. The vote in question corresponded to an amendment to the entirety presented by Más Madrid against the Circular Economy Law, a proposal that was rejected by the absolute majority of the PP.

The explanations offered by the spokespersons of the different parliamentary groups reflect conflicting positions. While

Monasterio minimizes the event, attributing it to an error without "seriousness"

and ensuring that it had no impact on the result of the vote,

Díaz-Pache rejects the theory of technical failure, arguing that the action required deliberate human intervention


The Madrid Assembly, faced with this unprecedented event that is outside what is regulated by its internal regulations,

has entrusted its Legal Services with the study of the case

. The investigation seeks to clarify the facts and determine the relevant responsibilities.

On the other hand, Juan Lobato, spokesperson for the PSOE, and Manuela Bergerot, from Más Madrid, have expressed their position regarding the incident. Lobato points out the importance of

resolving the situation to avoid future repetitions

, while Bergerot criticizes Vox for not being "up to par" with parliamentary work.