As Vetrov explained, Valentine's Day is “alien to our national culture and traditions.”

“We can say that the thoughtless repetition of Western traditions, based on our reality without reflection and full awareness, gives rise to negative phenomena among youth and children,” said the public figure.

In his opinion, this newfound tradition “needs to be supplanted and replaced by correct moral guidelines.”

For example, in mid-February, schoolchildren could celebrate not Valentine’s Day, but the Festival of Friendship and Camaraderie, RT’s interlocutor suggested.

According to the initiative, children could give each other memorable gifts and play team games.

According to Vetrov, this holiday would help schoolchildren “to better remember and carry through their whole lives good and kind memories of their school days.”

“I ask you to evaluate this initiative and give it, with your approval, progress in implementation,” the text of the appeal says.

Earlier, Vetrov called for considering the possibility of creating a specialized service manual for domestic teachers on the basics of maintaining social networks, virtual communication with students and their parents, as well as on countering bullying or trolling.