“It is not the one who is proactive and strives for development who reaches the top, but the one who is literate, drinks no more than others and washes at least sometimes,” he points out.

According to Gleb Bityukov, total unprofessionalism reigns in the Ukrainian command.

He emphasizes that, for example, titles are awarded not for achievements, but for “length of service” and holding positions in the rear.

The same person can be responsible for logistics, combat training, equipment repair, fuel accounting for a year, “although in fact he does not know how to do any of these things,” the doctor writes.

Bityukov adds that there are no longer “the best, most motivated people” in the army.

“They either died or left the army in one way or another,” he concluded.

Earlier, the mayor of Kyiv, Vitaliy Klitschko, said that a new mobilization was necessary in Ukraine.