When SVT first meets her at a train station in Kiev, Tamara Udod tells us that she has been working constantly since the first day of the war.

- I'm a little exhausted, she sighs.

But when she has landed and been in Stockholm for a few days, it sounds different.

- Fantastic. I have rested and have only positive and good feelings.

"Sees only dead and wounded"

The trip is organized by the organization Repower, which is financed by both companies and private donations, mostly Ukrainian.

The aim is that some of those who get to see the very worst sides of the war will receive both psychological help, experience culture but mainly get rest.

- In a previous life we ​​were event managers. We thought about how we could help those who save lives, and realized that they are our healthcare workers. They only see dead and injured, says Kateryna Serdiuk, organizer at Repower.